Fit 2 Stitch.

Fit 2 Stitch

Handmade Fashion

A look inside the garments of the Texas Fashion Collection, specifically some of the hand-made collectibles. (30 minutes)

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Sat, 3/1 at 10:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Easy Alterations

Making professional alterations on a pair of men's pants; shortening a sleeve. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/5 at 6:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Guest Designer -- Guest From Stanley Korshak -- Julie Cohn

Designer Julie Cohn talks about the role of jewelry on garments. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/5 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Create

Guest Designer -- Guest From Stanley Korshak -- Julie Cohn

Designer Julie Cohn talks about the role of jewelry on garments. (30 minutes)

Sat, 3/8 at 10:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Zipper Installation

Easy and efficient methods for sewing in a zipper. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/12 at 6:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Guest Designer -- Sai Sankoh From Dallas, TX

Specializing in luxurious resort wear, designer Sai Sankoh talks about clothing coordination. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/12 at 12:00 pm on Austin PBS Create

Guest Designer -- Sai Sankoh From Dallas, TX

Specializing in luxurious resort wear, designer Sai Sankoh talks about clothing coordination. (30 minutes)

Wed, 3/12 at 2:00 pm on Austin PBS Create

Guest Designer -- Sai Sankoh From Dallas, TX

Specializing in luxurious resort wear, designer Sai Sankoh talks about clothing coordination. (30 minutes)

Sat, 3/15 at 10:00 am on Austin PBS Create

Couture Finishing Techniques

Insight into the sewing methods of haute couture. (30 minutes)