This long-running, award-winning documentary series focuses on science, its many applications, speculation, history and researchers. Inspired by the BBC documentary program "Horizons, " the U.S. series frequently features interviews with scientists directly involved in the topic at hand, and sometimes even boasts footage of a particular discovery.

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Tue, 12/3 at 6:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

The Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs.

Tue, 12/3 at 11:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

The Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs.

Wed, 12/4 at 7:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

The Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs.

Wed, 12/4 at 1:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS WORLD

The Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs.

Wed, 12/4 at 8:30 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

The Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs.

Thu, 12/5 at 2:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

The Planets: Jupiter

Jupiter's gravitational force made it a wrecking ball as it barreled through the early solar system, but it also helped shape life on Earth as it brought comets laden with water and possibly the asteroid that put an end to the dinosaurs.

Wed, 12/11 at 8:00 pm America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

Rebuilding Notre Dame

A team of engineers, masons and timber workers restore France's Notre Dame Cathedral following the April 2019 fire.

Thu, 12/12 at 1:00 am America/Chicago on Austin PBS HDTV

Rebuilding Notre Dame

A team of engineers, masons and timber workers restore France's Notre Dame Cathedral following the April 2019 fire.